Feeling the NCT love.
Today I was reminded once again how I couldn’t have got through the last year and a half without my NCT crew...

When I was pregnant I was sceptical about doing the course; it was expensive and I’d heard mixed reviews. But I’ve loved having new friends to share the highs, the lows and not forgetting the boring-to-everyone-else-except-us bottle/nap/sleep/nappy bits with.
Entering into the world of parenting with you all has been terrifying, overwhelming and totally awesome. Who else can you exchange messages in the middle of the night with?
We missed the rest of the gang tonight but I’m glad @gregshire13 managed to get a couple of pics 💜 Must do a full reunion ASAP. • #nct #parenthood #mum #mumlife#mumsofinstagram #realifemama#parenting #motherhood#motherhoodunplugged #toddlerspam#instamum #toddlerlife#toddlersofinstagram